
September 25, 2012

It's your turn to feel unbreakable

 Sometimes, we just find ourselves fighting alone. With unexpected way everyone who was besides us once will be gone. With a really weird way we just find ourselves fighting against them all. But that.. That should teach us something! Well, it taught me alot of things actually.

 It taught me that waiting people is always the wrong choice! It taught me that expecting things from people is also, always the wrong choice! I don't know but, I must say that it taught me that I should never, never let people control me, because believe it or not, people want to do that all the time.

 What I want to try to say is: people, or most of them at least, will let you down, and leave you fighting on your own, and you will probably feel bad, you'll feel sad, you may feel like you are not good enough..

 But you must realize that once you control your life, and once you understand that expecting things from people will be a reason for you to feel like you shouldn't feel, and once you know that people will always let you down if you spend your time waiting for people. once you understand that, you'll feel strong, and you'll just feel that you don't have to deal with alot alot of emotions problems.

 But hey, we're not here to hate anyone don't we?! Don't you ever forget that controling your life and being unbreakable against people won't mean anything if we keep wasting our time hating people.. We love, we care, we smile, but we don't expect anything from anyone, Alright?!


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