
October 15, 2012

Don't you think that we already gave up on alot of things so far?!

Everytime you feel tired and you just don't want to keep fighting anymore, or you just want to stop and give up. You need just to remember what are you fighting for and what it meant to you before. When you get this feeling of stop fighting, just remember, is giving up going to provide you a better future?! Is your dreams really not worth it that much to stop fighting?!

 Because sometimes, we just give up when we face hard situations, we totally forget with a really weird way what once meant everything to us. We always forget that what is coming is always better. We forget that moving forward makes us stronger, and we forget that we'll regret everything we gave up on!

 We usually live the moment, and forget the past and the future. So we forget what we used to fight for, and we forget what are we fighting for, and bad stuff start coming to our minds, and then?! We're screwed.

 Don't you think that we already gave up on alot of things so far?!


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