
September 06, 2012

Your road of success: Step SEVEN

  Step SEVEN - Determine your role

The next step in this order is to identify the roles that you are going to play in these projects. Roles are nothing but related set of behaviors, duties, rights and obligations that you have to abide them in dealing with your projects. Keep it in mind as a self reliant entrepreneur you will have to play different roles.

It will be very wise of you if you can identify your roles related to your own projects. The roles include but limited to administrative, supportive, managerial, analytical, mentor and many more than you list down. So, again you have been very careful precise while determining your roles related to your aim in life. for example, when you will be running your own business you will have to act as an supervisor to your staff, mentor them in their problem, manage your team and business counterparts and do the paper work for your office. You should prioritize your roles way before so that you don’t get entangled with all the roles you will endowed with.

Start with prioritizing your roles through the identification of roles, which roles are more important and more critical for your success. Rank them in order depending on your projects and relate them to your action plan for future. 
But this is not the end of it. When you have determined and ranked your roles, you next job is to master all the roles. You might be already playing a role and been praised for that. However, there is always room for further improvements. So start to analyze all the aspects of the roles, the behaviors, rights, obligations for the time being and make some effort harness them even more. Also you will have to keep in mind that you role as an entrepreneur is organic which will keep changing with time. So you should also keep in mind that you will have make adjustments in your roles to maintain sustainability within yourself and your projects.


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